September 2017 | Page 2 of 3 | Garden State Home Loans | NJ

premium pricing

Define: premium pricing Definition: Premium pricing is a credit from a lender for the interest the interest rate chosen. Premium pricing... read more →

net worth

Define: net worth Definition: Net worth is assets minus liabilities.

mortgage lender

Define: mortgage lender Definition: A mortgage lender is a lender providing funds for a mortgage. They can also manage financial information... read more →

mortgage investors

Define: mortgage investors Definition: Mortgage investors are individuals or companies that purchase mortgages after the closing.

mortgage broker

Define: mortgage broker Definition: A mortgage broker is a person that renders origination services and serves as the intermediary between a borrower and... read more →


Define: leverage Definition: Leverage is the use of borrowed funds to increase yield.

what are lender credits

Define: lender credits Definition: Lender credits a credit that a lender may offer a borrower to help with closing costs. The lender... read more →

junior lien

Define: junior lien Definition: A junior lien is a loan that is subordinate to a primary loan, such as a second or... read more →

interest definition

Define: interest Definition: Interest is the fee charged for the use of money.

high priced mortgage loan

Define: high priced mortgage loan Definition: A high priced mortgage loan is a mortgage loan with an APR 1.5 percent high than... read more →

high interest rates

Define: high interest rates Definition: High interest rates are rates that exceed a specified threshold and require HOEPA disclosures.   

high cost mortgage loan

Define: high cost mortgage loan Definition: A high cost mortgage loan is a mortgage loan where the APR exceeds the Average... read more →

fully indexed rate

Define: fully indexed rate Definition: The fully indexed rate is the interest rate calculated using the index value and margin at... read more →

fraud alert

Define: fraud alert Definition: A fraud alert is a statement in the file of a consumer that notifies all prospective users... read more →

finance charge

Define: finance charge Definition: A finance charge is the total amount of interest and loan charges a borrower would pay... read more →

federal mortgage loan

Define: federal mortgage loan Definition: A federal mortgage loan is a mortgage loan the provides full or partial government reimbursement to approved... read more →

escrow accounts

Define: escrow account Definition: An escrow account (also known as an impound or reserve account) is an account that a mortgage servicer establishes... read more →


Define: entitlement Definition:  Entitlement is the amount of money the VA promises to pay back the lender in case the borrower... read more →

eminent domain

Define: eminent domain Definition: An eminent domain is the condemnation of private property for public good.


Define: easement Definition: An easement is a right to the use of/access to land owned by another.


Define: disintermediation Definition: Disintermediation is the withdrawal of funds from savings accounts and into stocks, bonds, and real estate.

discount points

Define: discount points Definition: Discount points are a percentage of the loan amount paid to the lender to buy down the... read more →

delinquent loan

Define: delinquent loan Definition: A delinquent loan happens when a mortgage payment in late.

constructive notice

Define: Constructive notice Definition: A constructive notice is a notice which is recorded in public records.


Define: creditor Definition: A creditor is any person or business who arranges for the extension, renewal, or continuation of credit.


Define: conveyance Definition: Conveyance is the act of transferring ownership interest in real property from one party to another. Additionally, conveyance refers... read more →

consumer credit

Define: consumer credit Definition: Consumer credit is a debt that a person incurs when purchasing a good or service. Consumer credit includes... read more →

borrower capacity

Define: borrower capacity Definition: Borrower capacity is the borrower's ability to make their mortgage payments on time. This depends on income... read more →

chattel mortgage

Define: Chattel Mortgage Definition: A chattel mortgage is a mortgage on a personal property.

average prime offer rate

Define: average prime offer rate Defintion: An average prime offer rate (APOR) is the annual percentage rate that is derived from average... read more →

What is an assumable loan?

Define: What is an assumable mortgage? Definition of assumable mortgage: An assumable mortgage is a mortgage loan that can be taken over... read more →

actual notice

Define: Actual Notice Definition: An actual notice is a notice which is not recorded in public records.
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